
things the bowling alley worker people don't really like

1) lots of people with big feet
2) typing fake names, such as Fat Fuk, on the screen thingy
3) big kids bowling during family time
4) big kids laughing at little kids because... i'm sorry but they suck!
5) accidentally holding onto the ball too long so that it bounces down the lane
6) stand-bys throwing shoes at current bowler
7) stand-bys shoving current bowler
8) bowling with two balls at once
9) bowling with two people at once
10) using two lanes at once (we paid for one)
11) using two lanes at once with two people on each
12) hitting the arm thingy with the ball
13) hitting the arm thingy with the ball on a lane that we didn't pay for, while two people were bowling at once
14) profanity
15) bowling like you're old when you're not
16) bowling like you're mentally handicapped when you're not
17) did i mention laughing at other bowlers?


At Thursday, March 31, 2005, Blogger Tward said...

ahhh, good times right there, no one I'm stuck with up here would do anything like that. YOU HAVE TO COME BACK FOR THE SUMMER!!!!! and I'm buying the Jeep


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