
pepsi gets naked

i just read an interesting article about fresh juices.

i've always been unable to resist grabbing a Naked Juice when they're on sale. it's just SO good! but apparently they've sold out to "the man". people say that american soil is the one safe place for do-it-yourselfers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses. but if everyone ends up selling out to the monopolies in the end, is it really better?

is another culprit. not only did they sell out to coca-cola, now coca-cola's employees, when restocking odwalla juices several times per week, shove small competitors juices to the back of the cooler and place their own product in front. the comparatively small competitors have to run themselves ragged, going from store to store to ensure that their product is even visible.

apparently this also happens in the wine business. like, people go around store by store hiding other people wine behind their own. this strikes me as extremely LAME. i bet these were the same people who peeked during hide-n-seek in their childhoods.

part two (a day later, after remembering related stories):

just before leaving my beloved portland last year, one of the best coffee chains also SOLD OUT. Coffee People has--well, had--cool drinks and even cooler employees... 'til now.

Starbucks buys Coffee People stores, hippies mourn.

oh, and chipotle-- the construct-your-own burrito shop? now owned by McDonalds.

also, Wild Oats, the natural food store has been bought out by the food giant Whole Foods, better known as "Whole Paycheck".

at least there are still farmer's markets, craft fairs, saturday markets, antique stores, and vintage shops.

and there are small businesses, doing things the way God and the Founding Fathers intended it to be. among my favorites:

Nomadic State of Mind-- rope sandals (like the ones i wore on my wedding day), cool t-shirts, other hippy accessories.

Anna Bannana's-- funky coffee shop, with the motto: Coffee should be Sweet as Love, Strong as Death, and Black as Hell. -Turkish Proverb

St. Benoit-- yogurt made from local milk and sold in reusable ceramic containers.

The Next Adventure-- alternative and 2nd-hand outdoor gear. also, super employees.

Oregon Holly-- A
family farm, in operation since 1942.

Liberty Natural Products-- essential oils, herbs, scented waters.


At Thursday, March 22, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cmon, you know the American way is to make as much money as possible and not to be socially and environmentally responsible. Walmart forever! ~Cathy

At Monday, March 26, 2007, Blogger clara said...


At Saturday, April 21, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry, guys. Executives are inherently inept, and the executives at Coca-Cola will eventually run the business into the ground (by stealing from employees, stockholders, family members, and family members employed by stockholders). The only thing a top-heavy monster can do is buy other smaller companies, gorging itself until it becomes so fat and cumbersome that it can no longer serve the needs of all the people. Then it will die. And ravens and crows and hummingbirds (for the sucrose) will feed on its bloated flesh, as it is bought by another giant company. Eventually there will be one company and we will be forced to revolt against it, like Paul Revere and those other guys. By then America's economy will be synonymous with GloboCorp Cola, and it will bring about the collapse of America- from world power to blue-collar caffeine-addicts stumbling around like zombies because they can't get their morning Red Bull fizzy.

Then! Only then! shall we turn around and march triumphantly into the glories of the past!


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