
checkin' it twice

the baby list is filled with check marks... from snappis (the new diaper pin) to a frightening teddy bear that makes in-utero noises (it was a gift) to creams for nipples and baby bums, we are READY! bring it on!

ready... other than a diaper pail, that is. this is a minor problem, since all commercial diaper pails are plastic, but my husband and i don't believe in plastic. so we are trying to decide 1) how quickly a metal pail would rust through, and 2) who gets to clean it up when it does. eww.


At Friday, December 07, 2007, Blogger Mrs. Bear said...

Hi! I came on over from a friend's blog. Congrats on your little one!

We use cloth diapers too. If you do find a suitable metal diaper pail, or even if you end up using a plastic one, you could line it with a waterproof cloth liner like one of these: You can just wash it along with the diapers.

God bless!

At Saturday, December 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved changing Jesse’s diapers and was very proud of my mobile, ready for anything, battle-tested diaper changing kit. However, describing it to you puts me in the unfortunate and unusual position of stumping for plastic.

Now, I feel the same way you do about plas--, ur, well, you know. However, in my opinion, a mobile used-diaper container is best if it doesn’t leak. Nothing is better than Tupperware for this. Or perhaps nothing was better, as Tupperware seems lamer than it used to be. So try Rubbermaid.

Anyway my kit consisted of: one tall container for soiled diapers, one small container with soapy water and one small container of fresh water, plus dry washcloths, and fresh diapers. Beats disposables by a country mile.

Maybe you can get used Tupperware?

At Monday, December 10, 2007, Blogger Hélène said...

My mom used to soak the diapers in the toilet, which got me to thinking: maybe you could use some sort of large ceramic container. It would probably end up being too heavy to move though. Maybe an enamel pail wouldn't rust, or at least very quickly. I don't know if they have pails, but they do make large enamel stockpots with lids which would work pretty well.

At Monday, December 10, 2007, Blogger clara said...

speaking of enamel, i could just buy an extra washing machine and throw all the diapers in there as soon as they come off the kid. i'd not only save myself the trouble of having a diaper pail at all, i'd also save the step of carrying the pail to the washer every couple days. the best part is i'd only have to see the nasty diapers once... off they come, and into the washer they go, down comes the lid and nothing comes out until post-hot-water wash! better yet, i could get a dryer,too, and change the baby on top of it, right next to the washer!!!

now where in our 400 sq ft apartment can i stash a washer/dryer set?

At Monday, December 10, 2007, Blogger Mrs. Bear said...

Okay, after reading all the comments and thinking about it a little more, I thought about what I would do if I were in your situation. I would get whatever kind of diaper pail you end up deciding on, line it with one of those waterproof cloth drawstring bags, and put the diapers (and wipes, if you're using cloth wipes too) in there. (Dry pail, not wet pail, no pre-soaking, no swishing diapers in the toilet; you shouldn't need to do that with newborn diapers anyway.) When it's time for laundry, lift out the bag and carry it to the laundry room, and wash everything together. Leave the pail in your apartment, and every so often wipe it out with a damp rag and the natural cleaner of your choice, then just wash the rag with the diapers.

Obviously you are under no obligation to do it this way, but it just occurred to me that it might work. :-D

At Tuesday, December 11, 2007, Blogger clara said...

that sounds more like it!


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