
so i picked up 2 dead sheep today...

yes, two. and one dead cow.

my day started like this. 11:45am: i roll over and turn on my phone to see what time it is, and tried to decide if i should get up or not. just then i heard knocking on the front door downstairs and the voice of B. (one of my favorite grownup people) calling, "HELLOOO?" so i got up. turns out they are all going on an adventure to L-view to pick up some...uh...former pets. they kinda wanted someone else to come with to load the meat into the car, but they didn't have room for another person. well, my truck is big enough for 4 people AND two sheep and one cow (steer, to be technical). so 5 minutes into my day i threw on some clothes, wiped the sleepers out of my eyes (didn't have to grab my, i leave them in the ignition, with my purse on the front seat! i love the country!), and headed out.

the first butcher shop should be famous. i think it could be the poster child for the FDA or food safety inspectors (or whatever), you know, DON'T DO IT THIS WAY!!! WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT DO IT THIS WAY!!! picture little butcher men walking in and out of the cutting room, touching meat then money then meat again. bloody coats, etc. not good. we picked up our sheep meat, and zoomed off, vowing to cook it thoroughly.

the second one was far better. it was all nice little butcher women...hunh! funny!...and very clean and organized. no, i am not sexist, i just notice patterns. it smelled considerably worse, but one lady got yelled at for taking an apron out of the cutting room so they are definitely safety conscious. they efficiently found our meat, and even helped us load it.

so, yes. we learned a thing or two today about food safety, meat handling, and butcher shops. it's an adventure a day around here! are you jealous yet?


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