
the long way of saying we got rid of our domino's boxes and sold curriculum books

we are slowly freeing ourselves from the shackles of oppression. with each passing day we regain more of our own personalities and ideas.

we are survivors. many did not survive, but fell to the wayside with minds full of distant unreality. pride. they were and are like the christians who claim, "i am saved." they are deluded and lead their lives as if the work were done, as if they were already safe in heaven with nothing left to do but to contemplate our God. yet they forget that our God created us with a rational and eternal soul, but also with an earthly body.

HE said, "faith AND works."

many remember their earthly bodies just long enough to give into drunkness and sloth, then drift back into their comfortable slumber of delusion. they are "philosophers" and the "chosen ones." it is OK not to have life goals, to get one philosophy degree upon another, and to bounce from one small, low-paying teaching position to another. just keep philosophizing and you're like unto God.

but we are survivors. narrowly escaping brainwashing is a harrowing experience.  we have goals again, and each day we come closer to achieving them. as we achieve each goal, we discern our next. we desire to change the world by action and example, by blood, sweat, and tears. works are the expression of faith. so we pray to and plead with our God, that we never lose our faith. as long as we have faith, our works are a prayer. we shun drunkness and sloth, and strive for humility. and clear-headedness.

i don't really believe that peter sits in a fluffy bathrobe next to pearly gates, but when we meet the realistic equivalent i intend to have a better answer than, "i spent my life thinking."


At Monday, December 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well...ok, it's fair enough to say that "thinking" (in the sense you mean it here), can easily be an excuse to spend one's life intellectually jacking off.

And I understand where you're coming from -- it's fucking annoying how TAC shoves Thinking down your throat, and how people there tend to act like it's the ONLY worthwhile activity. Or like Dedicating Your Life to Thinking will make you holy all by itself, no other effort required.

But...come on, do you think St. Pete asked Teresa of Avila why she didn't do something more worthwhile than all that damn thinking? And why didn't Jesus rebuke Mary for not getting up and helping Martha accomplish life goals and DO stuff?

The thing is, it all depends on what God's calling you to do ("you" as in each person, individually). If your vocation really is to spend your life "thinking" or contemplating abstract things, well...that's what you need to do.* That doesn't make the people who are called to "thinking" better people than those who are called to a more active life. But at the same time, the active-life people aren't necessarily better or more holy than the contemplative people. And it's important for active-life people, also, not to confuse "the best way of life for me" with "the best way of life for everyone, forever and ever amen."

Geez, that was convoluted. But you know what I mean. I'm just making distinctions -- it's what I do. ;)

And I guess also, if I was going to make this even longer, I'd say part of the problem on both sides is that people divide up these vocations too much. I think it should be the opposite -- even someone in the active life has maybe a duty to devote some energy to think about stuff in the contemplative way, and it's definitely beneficial for contemplative people to do some active stuff. It's all about balance, for one thing. And maybe even more than that, it's about the fact that these things aren't opposed, if you do them right. You can be a badass farmer without having to sell your TAC books, is all's I'm saying.

*Not to the exclusion of all else, still have the duty to be a good person and meet the obligations of your situation in life.

At Thursday, December 07, 2006, Blogger clara said...

i know, i know. you are right, of course. (we didn't sell ALL the books, just the extraneous and pompous ones.)


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