
oh! why, hello! uh, how was the trip?

you know what i hate? i hate it when i'm housesitting and the people come home early. i've only housesat three times and it has happened every time. the third time was like a half-hour ago. because inevitably not everything is done. either the crusty chili-dip dishes from the movie party last nite are laying around, i haven't figured out what to do with 2 dozen eggs i was supposed to be collecting all week, the bare roots on the tomato plants are still showing b/c of my vigorous and thorough watering, and/or the stalls aren't clean, etc, etc. ugh. can't win. but hey: everything was still alive, right?...Right?? also, there's always the hmm, why ARE they back early? are they speaking to one another? yikes! good times.


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