
22 yo girl admitted to local ER

diagnosis: Harry Potter overload.

i have not read the books. i do not plan on reading the books. the gay-ass hype makes me fairly nauseaous, and it all symbolizes our culture's complete lack of regard for history. great works of literature exist, and have existed for hundreds and thousands of years, but parents have not read them and do not encourage their children to do so. but along comes a new series that is slightly better than the other crappy, modern children's books, and everyone thinks they are the shit and more. HELLO, CUSTODIANS OF THE MINDS OF THE FUTURE!!! Have you ever ENTERED a library???!!!

and yet...i attended a harry potter party last night. i wore a long skirt, i donned a cape and hood, i decked out with funky earrings and a flowy shirt. and i got my harry ON with a large group of people all over the age of 40 or under the age of 10. i assisted the masses in the making of Broomstick Wands, drank Dragon Snot Brew, and ate carrot cake that i'm sure had some vile nickname. at the stroke of midnite the "magic car" showed up with everyone's pre-ordered copies of That Book.

i thoroughly enjoyed myself, but as my new reporter friend said goodbye; as my little buddy kaitlyn showed me that her name is spelled KAg52, gathered up all 3 of her new Broomstick Wands, and was herded off by her mother; as the local rednecks cruised by in their beater, announcing over their PA, "THANK YOU, HARRY POTTER! AND HAVE A GOOD NIGHT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!", i breathed a sigh of relief and thought, "never again."


At Sunday, July 17, 2005, Blogger Nevermore said...

The futile search for culture continues.

At Monday, July 18, 2005, Blogger Moose said...

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At Monday, July 18, 2005, Blogger Moose said...

Yeah. I hear ya. I only read the first 3 chapters of the first book before I said to myself that it's a waste of time and went back to Don Quixote. ( But then I got side-tracked into The Idiot Fyodor Dostoyevsky. But no Harry Potter.

At Monday, July 18, 2005, Blogger Dan said...

You guys need to grow up and enjoy the lighter side of life. The previous comments bring back memories of a wonderful Onion headline "Man on Bus shows of 'Crying of lot 49'". I loved the new Harry Potter book (see my last post) and any one who wants to fell superior can also read my post where I quote "The Idiot" (at length). Oh, I'm sorry, do you even know who Holbein is?

At Thursday, July 21, 2005, Blogger Erin said...

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At Thursday, July 21, 2005, Blogger Erin said...

Easy, there, Dan. I don't think that Clara, DMoose OR Nevermore were saying that they themselves are superior. The only thing Clara said negatively about the BOOK ITSELF was this: "great works of literature exist, and have existed for hundreds and thousands of years, but parents have not read them and do not encourage their children to do so. but along comes a new series that is slightly better than the other crappy, modern children's books, and everyone thinks they are the shit and more." I am not saying that everything written after 1960 is crap. I am not saying that Harry Potter is crap. What I AM saying, and think it is exactly in line with the other points being made here, is that it's really said that no one reads Treasure Island or Captains Courageous or All Quiet on the Western Front or Sherlock Holmes (etc. etc. etc.) anymore. Classics are classics for a reason. They are good, they are applicable to real life, they have remained so despite the passage of time, and it is a darn shame that they are so largely ignored because of new books. I am not saying to ignore new books. I am pointing out that Clara's point was, I think, that our society is going down the literacy drain, and I, personally, wish that parents would stay up late doing homework with their children more often than they stay up late with them to gratify some material want.

At Thursday, July 21, 2005, Blogger Moose said...

Amen to that Sister.


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