

the subsequent posts are all a brainless, 1 AM attempt to avoid The Inevitable Packing.

it took me 5 hours the other day to pack for a one-night trip. our next trip is ten times that length. i've always packed in the wee hours of the night before the trip, whether said trip was a day, a month, or a semester. yet, i've never needed to pack for both myself AND someone who craps their pants every two hours.

on a similar note, it's amazing how quickly a diaper change can erupt into a wardrobe change. one minute a diaper change can be just that, but mere moments later it becomes a diaper, diaper cover, onesie (b/c the poo gets on the leg holes), pants (b/c the poo leaks through the onesie), and socks (b/c the baby pumps his little legs and gets his heels in the diaper disaster) change. then, if Baby graces us with a pee fountain during this hullaballoo, add a sweater and hat change (and sponge bath) to the list.


At Wednesday, April 02, 2008, Blogger Erin said...

I was seriously debating not UNpacking from our Easter trip, since we're turning back around and heading up today...I was overruled. Maybe I should have left my (full) suitcase at Grandma's.

At Wednesday, April 02, 2008, Blogger Emily said...

Emma, you *crack me up*. Seriously, this blog of yours is incredibly entertaining. :D


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