
Ceska Republika!

it's been a bit since i've written anything, so i'd better get around to it. i think you all already read about my adventurous arrival to prague (ridley's blog, wanton and forlon). we were going to sightsee and then have a good ol' time with her buds in the big city, but we were way too pooped. after sitting in a comatose fashion in Bohemian Bagels (or something) for several hours, we decided just to head for home. the bus ride to Liberec (Lee-bear-etz) was a sweet one hour trip past tree-covered hills and old house that still spew wood smoke from ancient chimneys! so classic! once at R.'s den-of-the-very-orange-curtains, i slept for 14 hours straight. the town is a mixture of very old and fairly new architecture. the most prominant building in town is the amazing town hall. i don't know if you can find pics online, but i did take plenty. we went to the zoo the next day, and i, being who i am, took more pics of the animals than i have of the rest of europe combined. but seriously, when am i going to be 6 inches from a zebra again!!?? we met some of R's students on the walk over, and they seem very nice. she still hasn't let on to them that some of them are actually older than she is! but she's a college professor!! crazy. i've spent a couple days just chilling at her apartment to make sure i get over my cold before it turns into the full-fledged plague, but we have plans to look around more. i did find some hidden little neighborhoods on a walk one day, and got some more good pictures (i hope). i've gotten a little taste of czech food, language, culture, etc., but i will write more when i'm not sitting next to a smelly guy.


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