
i need a nap.

so, let's see. in the last 24 hours i've walked from piccadilly circus to the parliment buildings to waterloo station to victoria station to piccadillz circus to victoria station to piccadillz circus to victoria station to victoria coach station (which is not indeed the same thing, i discovered in the wee hours of the morning) to victoria station and back to the victoria coach station. i then rode the bus for two hours, slept on the airport floor (an apparentlz popular pastime amongst travellers, judging from the herds of people doing so) for a few hours, then flew to berlin. once in berlin (the berlin airport, that is) i had quite the time figuring out how to get into the actual citz. city. i found one track that a thought was right (i don't know about zou, but i dont exactlz read german). however it was occupied bz a freight train. hunh. the next track wasnt right either. i finallz found mz train, but figuring out the ticket machine was a whole 'nother trip. i got it though, and headed towards mz train. i stopped for a fraction of a second to see if the 3 nice australians who helped me figure it out had found the train also. well, joy of joys, the door slammed shut, almost on me, and the train took off. without me. ah well, i got on the next train over which was the scenic route or something. it went all the waz around the entire citz, but hey it gave me time to read mz guidebooks and pick out a hostel (like i should have done BEFORE entering the citz). so I'M IN BERLIN!!! it seems poorer than i expected, with tons of graffiti in the subwaz station (oh zeah, after i finallz got the train figured out i had to take the subway). but i havent reallz been out zet. im just kinda biding time until i can check in and get a nap. but i will adventure soon!


At Thursday, October 07, 2004, Blogger ridley said...

See, I DO read (and speak) German, and yet the German train system forked me over two separate times on Tuesday. Ok, yeah, it was also the fact that I'm a space cadet.

Also, all of Europe that I've seen has this total obsession with graffiti. Don't ask me why. They put it everywhere, and it's not like it's even that imaginitive.

At Friday, October 08, 2004, Blogger clara said...

ok. wow. something really weird happened to my blog when i posted this. it like posted it twice and it was half about someone doing mysterious research in berlin. creepy. anyways. so iäm going to delete it, but here are the comments that were on it:


At 8:41 AM, Anonymous said...

what the hell are you trying to say, girl?
looks like the net works really well over in German land.

At 5:56 PM, Jessica said...

It was a pleasure meeting you! I'm glad to hear you've made it to Berlin. This blog thing is quite smashing. It's an online jounal or log, very neat, I guess I had to get one too since I'm leaving a message for you. So mine is Keep it simple, same as my email address. I will have to use this so my friends and fam can follow my journey. I do enjoy reading your travel log, it's funny the things you've come across. I'm really glad we met, you're a bright girl with a great future ahead of you, just be careful out there. It looks like you are for the most part and you seem to have a fantastic support system. Anyhoo, I'm still at the Piccadilly place, haven't made up my mind on the aupair thing. Should know by next week which one I want and where I'll be heading off to. I am falling in love with London, such a splendid city with wonderful people. New girls in the room are from Sweden and they are only 17!! So cute, I feel like a den mother. I gave them my # to call me if they get into trouble, I feel like I have to protect them, but they seem like heads up girls so shouldn't be too bad. How is it that Europeans seem way more withit and together than Americans??? Is it because they live a harder life or have a better grip on reality and the world then sheltered and naive Americans??? So interesting . This is something I would like to understand more. Well, well, I've wrote enought her for ya. I will be in touch with you, take care and good luck!

At 6:53 PM, k.m. said...

I think you need a really, really long nap and then reread what you wrote and tell us what you meant. Hope you are having a great time. Take care, Kitty


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