
lag too!

ok, that title doesn't really make sense. but i do get extra points for creativity, right? uh, right...?

anyways. stop #2 was That Anonymous College. i did alot of socializing, class-visiting, pondering and praying. three semesters. that doesn't really seem very long. but, in the last two years, the most time i've spent in one place is ONE semester.

i like thinking. and i like learning. and i like talking. so maybe it is time for school again. this school? decisionmaking is not one of my strong points. when i actually have a preference i let it be known, but usually i know i'll be happy doing whatever.

mr collins is amazing. he makes galileo fun!

oregon is way prettier than california. SoCal used to be my favorite place, but i've rekindled my love affair with the pacific nw. fog rolling off the river into the crevices of evergreen-covered hills beats brownness and deadness and hotness any day. i have the feeling that i just made up some new word. brownness?


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