
i'm baaack!

ok, first things first: lo siento for the long delay!!!!

no, i was not sentenced to death for The Dent. in fact things took care of themselves quite, er, conveniently. i post the Poll of the Day blog, left the page open to check for comments, then began painting the purple room, in Mr-Guy-With-Whom-We-Were-To-Trade-Trucks's house. my family returned from the store, and began to help with the painting. my dad left the room, and returned about 10 minutes later, chuckling. the following conversation ensued:

Dad: so, are you painting the room because you dented M's truck?
Me: No, i fixed the dent already.
Dad: no, the new dent.
Me: what?!
Dad (slowly): THE NEWWW DENTTT.
Me: uh....
Me: YOU!!!! You read my blog!!! DAD!!!
Dad: well, you left it open, i thought you wanted me to.
Mom: What!? What's going on!? What happened?!

my sisters both gave me a knowing smile and quietly slipped out of the room. and that was all.

later however, my sister decided to run full speed into the side of the truck...right where the old dent was. my sister isn't exactly a featherweight, so i spent the evening under the pickup, re-pounding out the dent. good times. i then washed the crutial sections of the truck, thinking i was clever to use one of those wet-jet things. well those wet-jet pads get oh-so-wrong when completely immersed in water. they are some kind of cross between a maxi-pad and a disposible diaper. not good. i finally got THAT mess cleaned up, and took pics of the former dent and the new dent. i did a lil explaining over the phone, then emailed the pics off. the verdict was good. the trade was on, with the order, "Tell her just to not bang it up anymore!"

then i packed and packed. while packing i found a list labeling Things To Do Before Moving to Portland. rule of thumb: you have not lived in one place long enough if you still have the list you made while moving there. i was glad to see that ridley and i had indeed completed nearly everything on the list before we left. unfortunately the two uncompleted tasks were: Go To Beach, and Get Our Drunk On. ah well.

i had FOUR social events planned for new years. my parents only allowed me to attend two. MY PARENTS!!! TOLD ME WHAT TO DO!!! it was weird. i gave in, knowing they were right. many of my wordly possessions would probably have been left on the side of the road if i had not listened to them. as was, we got home at 1am, packed the truck, and drove off at 4 am. ugh. it sucked that i didn't get to say goodbye to the folks at party #3, or go sledding with the folks from party #4 (several of whom i haven't seen since high school), but parties #1 and 2 were good.

we drove and drove, well my dad drove and i slept most of the time. we hit snow in S Oregon and drove 35mph for about 3 hours. we missed megan and kurt's wedding and dinner, but made it in time to see everyone and get in on the dancing. it felt like 2am in st kate's, freshman year...dancing with sophie and boyer and the rest of the girls, but we were wearing more clothes. meg started crying when she said goodbye to me, and she thanked me so genuinely that all the rushing and driving and confusion were forgotten.

i stayed with the levine boys for a spell, til my greg-tolerance-time was up. i'm chillin like a villian in sunny SoCal (ha, ha, try FLOODED SoCal) til move-in day at that place where people go but don't really want to but still do.

La-la-la...i'd be safe and wa-arm, if i was in L. A.

i went to Farmer John's meat packing plant today. it smelled like bum. eww.


At Friday, January 07, 2005, Blogger Tward said...

Well, it's about time you finally got back to us!! And yeah, that whole, you being missed thing... I AM SO BORED!!! 'Luke Hat' is the only person that ever wants to hang out, but sometimes I just want to go have a few drinks and chill at a bar, and you know how much he enjoys that.... Git yer butt back up here!! screw school!! We're more important ;) And I'm starting the planning of my trip down to visit. Argh, tonights gonna suck, no one to hang out with... Well, enjoy the rain :)

At Saturday, January 08, 2005, Blogger Maximilian said...

well, you're not dead. congrats. You had fun. congrats. Your truck is being traded. congrats. You're back at That Anonymous College. condolences.

See you in about 36 hours.

At Saturday, January 08, 2005, Blogger Kitty said...

Oh my goodness, that is so funny! What's that saying "the best laid plans of mice and men". Glad everything worked out. Hawaii was great! But we're back to the cold, so it's onward and hopefully upward. Good luck at school. Kitty

At Saturday, January 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, so glad everything worked out with the truck. i'm sorry we weren't able to hang out before you left, but i am definitely going to visit you asap.

At Tuesday, January 11, 2005, Blogger Prophet said...

Don't you wish you had your truck now so that you could do some real mud riding in socal?!

At Friday, January 14, 2005, Blogger clara said...

yes. tward and prophet: if i had my big truck this past week i certainly would have gone 4-wheeling...up and over the distasteful mudslides that held me captive and back to portland!!! Donzilla and i walked around campus with the same shell-shocked look on our faces. it was painful. but we are free once more.


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