
does anyone know the Spanish word for "tears" or "crying"?


At Tuesday, February 08, 2005, Blogger Erin said...

Tears: Lagrimas (accent over first a)
Crying/weeping: Llorar

in future:

At Tuesday, February 08, 2005, Blogger Kitty said...

Yo le estoy llorando a usted.
I am crying for you. (Translated by my 15 yo daughter).

There is a legend of a spirit by the name of La Llorana. This spirit was a women in old Mexican times and whether she killed her own children or if they died in some tragic accident we don't know. But we do know that they drowned in a river next to their small home town.
Now it is said the "La Llorana", "The Cryer" or "The Weeping One", stalks that unknown river and all bodies of water with any Mexican history; weeping and wailing for her lost children in the madness that only eternal sorrow can bring. (As told to me by my 18 yo daughter).
Dios con tu siempre, Kitty
God with you always.

At Sunday, February 13, 2005, Blogger clara said...

thanks, but i was just looking for a word to describe the sadness of a guatemalan woman and i used the word "tamale" since tamales make me sad.

At Monday, February 14, 2005, Blogger Kitty said...

That's so tamale! I love it. It was actually fun for my girls who are 2 years apart and like to compete in their knowledge of the spanish language. But hey Chica, tamales are good! Not sad. K ;)

At Monday, February 14, 2005, Blogger clara said...

clearly you have not had a genuine Guatemalan tamale...complete with bone chunks and an artery here and there. blech! yup, enough to make ME cry any day!

At Tuesday, February 15, 2005, Blogger Kitty said...

No, can't say I've tasted something as yucky as that. I think I'd cry too and probably puke! K;(

At Monday, February 28, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're really not as bad as she says. It's just that she never got the good, none bony, none mushy kind. 'Cause she got grosed out by the first ones she didn't dare try any more.


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