
ruby tuesday

no, not the overpriced restaurant on the east coast.

i randomly started singing the song today, and was suddenly brought back to a dark street in east germany. it was about 1am--i had just arrived in dresden and was walking to my hostel. the streets were completely abandoned except for a couple bums down one side street. they were smashing bottles on the curb, but the only other sound was Ruby Tuesday, blasting from an empty pub. it was the first english i had heard in days, so i sang along a bit as i walked block after block of squished-together shops and pubs, some with wine bottles in the windows, others had cheeses or baked goods, still others had displays of marijuana paraphenalia and giant pot leaf tapestries. i crossed street after street with impossible names, full of letters i didn't know existed (did you know there's a B looking thing that is pronounced like "s"?) and the music was still clearly audible.

"...when you change with ev-very new day..."


At Monday, July 18, 2005, Blogger Moose said...

That's a pretty cool flashback, I must say. Like something in a movie or something.

At Thursday, July 21, 2005, Blogger elsoopermexican said...

When I was in Dresden, I suddenly and very drunkenly grabbed your good friend, Wanton and Forlorn, sang to her and danced in the streets at about four in the morning. It wasn't a great dance - I stepped all over her poor feet, and I sang very poorly. I kept forgetting the words to the Bobby Darrin song, "Beyond the Sea." But I don't think I'll ever forget it....


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